Take courageous action when it feels like everything’s stacked against you

By the end of this short course, you’ll have the confidence and courage to ditch expectations and get clear on your next move so you can do what you want, when you want to do it.

The problem with stuckness is its subtlety. You don’t realise you’re there until you’re knee deep in overwhelm and dissatisfaction.

It keeps you treading water long enough but you’re not thriving and part of you is craving change. You want to do things differently without adding more to your already overflowing to-do list.

It’s time to swap confusion for clarity

You don’t need to have all the answers to get started, but you do need a teeny bit of courage to take action so you can start to confidently show up, knowing who you are and what you stand for.

I’ve created this self-paced course so you can:

  • explore where you’re at and where you want to be
  • unravel what’s going on for you right now
  • uncover what’s holding you back
  • learn the importance of implementing self-compassion
  • build self-belief and identify what success would look like for you

Are you ready to make decisions that are right for you, without worrying about other people’s expectations or opinions?

Everyday you wake up with a choice – to settle or to seek.

What could happen if you allowed yourself the opportunity to seek out more of what you wanted and needed?

My signature short course is designed for busy humans like you, looking to get unstuck and get clear on your next move.

You’ll get instant access to 5 bite sized modules with accompanying audio learnings so you can work through it at a time that suits you.

  • understand where you’re at so you can explore your commitment to yourself
  • understand your inbuilt protective behaviours so you can embrace your whole human-ness
  • understand what it is you want so you can start figuring out how to get there
  • understand the awareness of your self-talk so you can learn to be more self-compassionate
  • understand there are varying versions of what success actually looks like so you an allow yourself to ditch the comparison and start to explore yours

Brilliant Breakthrough was the gentle, but profound nudge I’d needed to step back from the day to day and really see myself, what I needed, and the path I should take to get there. The daily prompts were intuitive, perfectly paced and forced me to ask the questions I needed answering at just the right moment and Yvonne was on hand to coach through any blocks the whole time. It’s amazing how in such short space of time, big shifts can be made. Thank you x

Rebecca Mackay Miller

This is for you if:

  • you’re feeling stuck and confused about what you should do next
  • you’re constantly worrying about what people think of what you’re doing and how you do it
  • you’re worried about making the wrong choices
  • you deny yourself time to work on you